What's Our Purpose?

First Baptist Wylie, a church for the cities exists to “Spread God’s fame by making disciples of all people.”  We believe the Bible clearly demonstrates this as our primary mission as followers of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, as a church we live with a purpose focused on a Christ centered vision, mission and goal. 

Vision: “Spreading God’s Fame…” Isaiah 43:1-7  

As followers of Jesus we are called to live with a Christ centered vision for our lives.  Followers of Jesus have been called to Christ for the sole purpose of glorifying God.  God is completely concerned with his fame.  We are in constant awe and reverence of who He is and what he has done for us that impacts every aspect of our lives.

 Mission:  “…by making disciples…”  Matthew 28:16-20  

We can sum up making disciples with the command of “follow me.”  We believe that following Christ will cost us everything but will result in bringing ultimate glory to God.  When we follow Christ we are commanded to multiply our community by making more disciples by going, teaching, and baptizing.  As we make disciples, we are made into disciples.  We pray that you will glorify God by making disciples. 

 Goal:  “… of all people.”  Acts 1:8  

The salvation that Jesus brings is not limited to a single group of people but is to be preached to the ends of the earth.  We strive to make disciples by sharing the gospel of Christ with everyone we encounter in our local context and in contexts around the world.  The goal of the church is to reach all the peoples of the world with the gospel of Christ. 

 Join with us at we strive to complete the great commission as we “Spread God’s fame by making disciples of all people.”

© 2024 FBC Wylie (DEV)   |   100 N. 1st Street, Wylie, TX US 75098